Archive for the ‘VOLOG’ Category

VOLOG Bristol-Myers Squibb

December 19, 2007

VOLOG Bristol-Myers Squibb
Drug Category: Corticosteroid.
Generic Name: Halcinonide.
Contents: Cream: Halcinonide 0.1%.
Indications: Acute and chronic wet or dry steroidresponsive conditions.
Dosage: Adults & Children: Apply two or three times daily.
Contra-lnd., Precautions etc: See notes at the begining of this section.
Regn.No:Pack:Trade Price:Retail Prices:
Cream(004819):15gm: 43.03:50.62.

VOLOG Bristol-Myers Squibb

December 19, 2007

VOLOG Bristol-Myers Squibb
Drug Category: Corticosteroid.
Generic Name: Halcinonide.
Contents: Cream: Halcinonide 0.1%.
Indications: Acute and chronic wet or dry steroidresponsive conditions.
Dosage: Adults & Children: Apply two or three times daily.
Contra-lnd., Precautions etc: See notes at the begining of this section.
Regn.No:Pack:Trade Price:Retail Prices:
Cream(004819):15gm: 43.03:50.62.